Go in depth on topics, breaking down each lesson into individualized segments
An important segment on maintaining the well-being of our children we break down the support into 3 micro learning videos:
Social Support
Healthy socialization during social distancing
Academic Support
How we can best support academics
Emotional Support
The best ways to support our children's emotional well-being
Easing Your Kids Back To School
Parent Support
A must watch for our times as we break down the shift online into 7 micro learning videos:
A Planful Shift to Online Learning
Keep Systems/Structures/Devices/Skills in mind as you make the shift to online learning. Examine keys to this important first step.
Addressing the Social And Emotional Needs of Children
See how to take a lot of what we do in our regular classrooms with us. SEL must come along!
Teacher Schedule
Self care is at the top of the list and a thorough plan can help with that. See how planning can help classroom teachers take care of the needs of everyone in their care.
The online environment has caused a shift in communication. Raise your awareness around opportunities for success and potential pitfalls.
Morning Meeting Online
You got this! It’s possible! Take a look at what some of the considerations are.
Teacher Language, A Growth Opportunity
Use the gift of the pause from brick and mortar to gain insight into your development with this important skill.
Content and Academic Skills
Examine sensible approaches to addressing these important parts of school